An interest in the therapeutic effects of Aloe vera has been documented throughout the ages, for everything from cuts and lesions to burns. Many great thinkers and scientists tried to determine which component could be responsible for such great variety of activity, with little success. This trend would continue until Dr. McAnalley took the challenge to unravel the mystery of Aloe’s activity, resulting in the discovery of Acemannan and forever changing our view and understanding of carbohydrates and their role in health and disease.
It is safe to say that carbohydrates are essential to life, and this is due largely to their great versatility in nature. Even in their simplest form, carbohydrates perform a vital function for all living things by providing energy. For most people, the understanding of carbohydrates ends there, without realizing that they perform even greater feats as complex molecular conjugates. The structural versatility of these conjugates, known as glycans, is astounding. They can be large and small, linear or branched and can also bind to all other essential components of life (i.e. proteins, lipids, nucleic acids).
Glycans form the sugar coat of cells of virtually every organism, and are also major components of the extracellular matrix. It is in this structure that sugars play a crucial role in cell-to-cell communication by conveying biochemical signals into and between cells. This communication is crucial for normal cell and tissue development and physiological function.